I love photography, after reading A year of mornings (see the books I've read) I decided to challenge myself by uploading a photo a day for the next year. Trying to share my day to day adventures. Started 22nd April 2022
Every morning on my walk 2 geese fly over. I'm normally in the woods, today I had my own personal fly past
My afternoon walk took me to the bridge. Not sure why.
Early morning Blaise estate walk.
A car show, check out the others in my Planes, trains and automobiles section
Saul Junction marina, lovely spot for Ice cream
Spring Wild Garlic
Early morning sun of my comfortable spot
Not those leaves. Acer leaves
Bear with the side eye
Bristol Harbour and a 2 hour wait for a bike seller!

Almost ended up in the green bin, first strawberry flower for me

Tonights sky just before sunset

Football mad, football crazy

Straight out the camera

A phone in its perfect position, switched off


Breaking the fast

Ken Miles

Sowing the seed

A walk in the country in the big smoke

The Bat Cave

2 left feet

All you need

Horse and cart at Hampton court palace

Knickerbocker glory

Daily grind

Sunshine on a rainy day

Bristol scenes

Shy Bridge

On the water

Wedding party

Beep Beep!